Friday, December 23, 2016

Pregnancy Photoshoot and Tips

Hello everyone! It's been a long time. I'm expecting a baby!!!. Pregnancy is the most beautiful and amazing thing I've ever experienced. Truly. A woman's body is amazing and breathtaking. There are no words to describe it!
Our bodies go through so much and work so hard for the little ones inside us. In my case, the first half was difficult. I mean, it's pretty rough on a woman's body, but even with everything that I was going through in the first trimester and half of the second trimester, I always felt happy, and an enormous love and gratitude. This is the first pregnancy for me, so everything is new to me. Of course, I've heard and read about some of the symptoms etc, but it's different when you live it. It was enough that at one point I had to take a few months off of work. 
As soon as I started feeling better, I was able to get some photos taken outdoors by a photographer.
So, here are some pictures and what I wore. Below I will share some tips to help cope with some symptoms. Also, I present to you my husband, the love of my life!

What I Wore:
A Maternity dress from Asos. The coat is from and the shoes are Michael Kors (past seasons). One of the things I love about ASOS is that they have a large variety of clothes and styles. So glad they have maternity clothes and they are stylish and trendy. This dress is comfortable and the little pleats on the waist add room for a growing belly. I bought five of them! yes, five lol! Of course, they are different colors. I chose baby blue and nude for this photoshoot, delicate colors. I let my husband choose his clothes (he did good!). All the colors worked together, including the teddy bear (Ralph Lauren)which we got at Bloomingdales.

Tips for Morning Sickness(which lasted all the day for me)
- I wore psi-bands(for sea-sickness)on both wrist to help with the nausea.
- I applied a little bit of Vick's on my nose to help with the smells. Also, I wore a mask with a little bit of alcohol or hand sanitizer on it to block smells. 
- I ate ginger chews and gingermints.
- Occasionally, I had ginger tea, mint tea and chamomille tea.
- I mixed water with cold lemonade, or Gatorade so that I wouldn't drink much sugar (half and half). I added some ice cubes.
- My husband helped me blending fruits and freezing them in the ice tray. (I couldn't go to the kitchen because the smell of food made me gag or vomit). Also, people's smells made me nauseous. 
I tried all of these, sometimes some of them helped and sometimes did not. I made sure to keep my Dr posted about everything. There were a few times when I felt so weak and tired, I ended up having to go in to urgent care. It turned out that because of the vomiting, and nausea, I had let my body become dehydrated. In urgent care they gave me Saline and nausea medicine, though it was more difficult because I have gastritis, and they were unable to treat that because of the pregnancy. Other symptoms were a lot of heartburn and gas, sometimes headaches, and constipation. One very new thing to me was the broken blood vessels on my face after throwing up violently (it happened a few times).

The thought that helped me coping with this (besides praying)was that even though the symptoms were uncomfortable and draining, I took them as a sign of the baby's continue developing. I love my baby with all my heart that I would go through it all again in a second. I didn't know this type of love existed, any word to describe it would come up short. My husband and I are so happy, excited and looking forward to meeting him soon. This is the most beautiful blessing!

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Disclosure: I have not received any compensation or free products or discounts from any brand. All my reviews are my honest opinion. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Color: Pink or Salmon?


I know it's been a while!!! A little bit longer and I will be posting current looks. This one comes straight from my archives. I was so happy to find them in my memory card ( I thought I lost them). Who loves Fall? I do! The beautiful colors of the leaves make everything look romantic, happy and cozy. For this outfit I wanted to play with pink shades! Is this color pink to you or is it salmon? 
I will see you soon ;) 

Yo se, ha pasado tanto tiempoooo! Un poquitin mas y estare subiendo vestuarios actuales. Este look se viene directo desde mis archivos. Me puse contenta al recobrarlos de mi tarjetita de memoria (pense que la habia perdido). A quien le gusta El Otoño? A mi, a mi !!! Los colores hermosos de las hojas de los arboles hacen que todo se vea bello, romantico y acogedor. Para este look quise jugar con variados de rosado. Que opinas de este color, es rosado o salmon?
Nos vemos prontito :)

Monday, November 7, 2016

White & Nude :: Blanco y Piel

"For those colours which you wish to be beautiful, always first prepare a pure white ground"
- Leonardo da Vinci

"Para los colores que usted desea ser bella, siempre primero prepapre un suelo blanco"
- Leonardo da Vinci

Hi beautiful! What do you think of a White & Nude color combination for today? I wore this outfit for a dinner two months ago to celebrate the anniversary of our first date. I added accents of gold and red. I hope you like this idea.

Hola hermosa! Que te parece una combinacion de color Blanca y Piel para hoy? Vesti este atuendo para celebrar el aniversario de mi primera cita con mi amado esposo (lo vesti dos meses atraz). Agrere toques de color oro con las joyas y un toque rojo en los labios. Espero te guste esta idea.

I finally got my hands on this Michael Kors bag in a color that I've been wanting for, for the longest time. It went on sale a couple of months ago and I got it as an anniversary present for myself. It's s timeless and versatile.

Finalmente consegui esta cartera de Michael Kors en el color que he querido por mucho tiempo. Estuvo en oferta un par de meses atraz y al final me lo compre como presente de aniversario para mi misma ;) . Su estilo es versatil y sin barrera de tiempo.

Blusa-Blouse: Tracy M Roll Tab Zipper Linen via Ideel / Falda-Skirt: Asos Pencil Skirt in Embossed Texture (2013) / Sandalias-Sandals: Alloy Apparel "Tessa Heels" / Cartera-Handbag:Michael Kors "Selma" Large Satchel (peanut color) / Reloj-WatchSkagen Holst Mesh Bracelet 34mm via Bloomingdale's / Collar: Tiffany & Co "Butterfly" Necklace (gift from my husband) / Lapiz labial - Lipstick: MAC "Ruby Woo"

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Extremely Long Shirt & Flowers

Pairing a cute extremely long shirt with flared jeans. This shirt was a gift from my kind professor who is an artist. You can check her website out here, Komelia Okim . She is a fantastic and amazing artist!
Accessory: The flowers gifted by my husband  

Mesclando esta extremada camisa larga con jeans acampanados. Recibi esta camisa como regalo de parte de mi profesora quien es artista. Puedes chequear su pagina aqui, Komelia Okim. Ella es muy buena e impresionante artista!
El Accesorio: Las flores que me regalo mi esposito :) 

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Friday, June 10, 2016

High-Waisted Jeans:: Mother-In-Law Gift

Top (blusa): Forever21, years ago / Bangles (brazaletes): Asos, years ago / Watch (reloj): Burlington Coat Factory $9.99 last year / Sandals (sandalias): Matisse / Sunglasses (gafas): No brand.

Hi Girls! I wasn't planning on posting an outfit idea, but I wanted to honor my mother in law. She gifted me these high-waisted jeans and I'm so happy because they are my only high-waisted denims. I have always worn hip-high jeans, so this is gooood! I styled it adding these pieces with a bohemian viba (I  everything Bohemian)

Hola chicas! No planeaba en subir una idea de vestuario, pero quise dar honor a mi suegrita. Ella me regalo estos pantalones y estoy super contenta porque son mis unicos pantalones denim de a la cintura. Siempre he vestido jeans a la altura de la cadera, asi es que esto es bueniiiiisimo! Lo combine con piezas de estilo Bohemio ( Yo  todo lo que sea Bohemio)
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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Black Outfit:: Love for Details

Top: TJMaxx / Pants(Pantalones): Forever21 / Shoes(Zapatos): Zara / Tote(Bag): Rebecca Minkoff  via Barney New York online / Watch(Reloj): Michael Kors / Necklace(Collar): I made this out of NuGold and turquoise cabochon. (Mi Orfebreria. Use Metales NuGold and piedra turqueza artificial)

Hola hermosas! Un vestuario todo negro esta permitido hasta en Primavera/Verano, definitivamente  ! Siempre que se da la oportunidad de comprar una prenda con un toque especial, ya sea en el diseño, tela, color o texturas, no fui corta ni peresoza y las obtuve. Ese es el caso de este top. El corte del frente es clasico, pero la parte de atraz es atractivo, me encanto esa cola y los pliegues. Ya no veo la hora tambien de vestirlo con pantalones blancos :)
Que tengas una linda semana, Bendiciones!

Hi bella! A Black outfit is allowed during Spring/Summer, ooh yeah definitely  ! 
When I have the chance to get my hands on unique garments, I go for it... What attracts me is either, the quality, the design/cut, fabric and textures or colors, in this case what caught my attention was the design of the back of this top. The front is a simple cut (like a t-shirt), but the back is unique.. I like that the fabric is longer and the folds that start on the top fall nicely. I can't wait to pair it with white pants as well :)
Have a very good week, blessings!
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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Free Spirited: Zara Suede Fringed Cape

Hello ladies! It's been a while without posting a NEW Outfit Idea. The first time I wore this look was in February and I fell-in-love with it. This cool and beautiful cape can be worn as a transitional piece and during Spring as well. Don't get confused, suede fringed capes are not only for festivals (like Coachella). I really like the free-spirited, earthy, and bohemian vibe it has (plus I dig the 70's style). Everyone should a fringe cape. I love me some Pocahontas look  

Hola chicas! Hace ya un mes que no comparti una nueva idea de vestuario. La primera vez que vesti este atuendo fue en Febrero y me enamore de el. Esta linda capa puede ser vestida como una pieza transicional y durante La Primavera. No nos confundamos, piezas de cuero/cuerina de flecos no son solo para usarlas durante Festivales de musica (como Coachella). Me gusta mucho la honda que tiene de espiritu libre, terra/terroso y  bohemia (tambien me encanta el estilo de los 70's). Todas deberian tener una capa con flecos ;) . Me encanta la honda Pocahontas 

Jeans: Zara $9.99 (sale 2012)
Shirt/Camisa: Forever21 old/viejita 
Bag/Cartera: Coach "Kristin" Woven Leather Round Satchel (2012)
Pumps/Tacones: BCBG. Brand new via GoodWill $20.15 (nuevos en la tienda de Buena Voluntad)

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Throwback Outfit Idea: Mini Skirt and Blazer

Blazer from H&M / Skirt & Clutch (falda y sobre) from Asos / Aldo Pumps (zapatos)
Nordstrom Top. 

This is a throwback from when I wore a mini skirt with a blazer for the first time. Now, looking back, I would probably wear this look with another pair of nude pumps. It's all about learning.

Este look es de en Retrospectiva! Esta fue la primera vez que vesti una falda "mini" con un blazer. Ahora mirando atraz, hubiese sido mejor vestir otros tacos de color piel (pero cercano a mi color). Todo se trata de seguir aprendiendo ;)

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